Applications sent out to artists and also available on our website.
February 8
Application and fees deadline, postmarked by midnight.
Please remember to send separate checks for the jury fee and the booth fee.
March 15
Notification of acceptance or non-acceptance to artists. Image disks are returned.
For those artists not accepted, the booth fee check will be returned.
April 15
Last day for accepted artists to cancel and have the booth fee returned.
June 13
Booth assignments are mailed out and available on our website.
June 27 - Friday night setup
Early Registration begins at 6:30 and ends at 7:30 pm.
Setup can start at 7:30 pm. Please do not start unloading trailers before this time.
You may then drive your vehicle onto the street for unloading but please do not put your wares into the booth until Saturday morning. In consideration of other artists, please remove your vehicle as soon as possible. The street will also be accessible on Saturday morning but all vehicles must be off the street by 8:30 a.m.
June 28 - Saturday
Registration begins at 6:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. You must register, at which time you will receive a nametag, booth sticker and any additional information necessary. If you do not register, you will not be eligible for judging or for participation in next year’s fair.
Fair begins at 9 am. and runs until 5 pm.
Complimentary coffee and doughnuts will be available for artists only.